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Waveform generator in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2023-04-30Updated:2023-04-30
Similar words: program generatorgenerator matrixgeneratordc generatorac generatorregeneratorwaveform distortionaerogenerator
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1, Practical applications such as: function waveform generator.
2, The research of digital pre-emphasis gradient waveform generator.
3, This waveform generator has been successfully applied in ultrasonic sen - sor to generate high - frequency ultrasonic wave .
4, Waveform generator produced a lower cost of software programming is relatively simple, and easy to control.
5, This paper introduces mainly a pulse waveform generator based on EPLD.
6, A wide - frequency and program - controlled waveform generator based on MAX 038 is introduced.
7, On line programmable arbitrary waveform generator is one of the important devices for Digitalization of Microfluids.
8, Display and control terminal, the waveform generator, the beat signal processor, the central controller and the signal processor unite test.
9, The AD 5932 is a waveform generator providing a programmable frequency scan.
10, A linear or nonlinear pulse FM radar waveform generator was developed successfully.
11, The waveform generator is composed by DSP and quadrature digital upconverter(QDU). DSP is used as main controller to decide the modulation mode and output waveform of QDU.
12, Triggered by the in-phase signal,( generator.html) the waveform generator outputs a pulse burst.
13, Waveform generator function generator is also called, is a common signal source.
14, The real arbitrary waveform generator that can generate single acoustic frequency signal modulated by Manning window and Gaussian window is developed.
15, The applications and the hardware including gradient waveform generator, gradient current amplifier and gradient coil are also presented.
16, Agilent's N 6032 A arbitrary waveform generator delivers unprecedented performance for creation of complex wideband waveforms.
17, As the physical electronics technology develops(, high - performance waveform generator is required to measure the analog equipments.
18, A method of digital phase moving and frequency synthesizing by using software technique is introduced, it is upon the arbitrary waveform generator, and in the virtual instrumentation mode.
19, The features, inner block diagram, basic operating circuit and work principle of High-frequency waveform Generator MAX038 were introduced.
20, This thesis gives a detailed discussion about the gradient waveform generator (GWG) design with the analog pre-emphasis in the digital spectrometer system.
21, The power supply adopts D/A mixed control and repetitive control. The digital part realizes the high precise waveform generator and the control based on voltage virtual value.
More similar words: program generatorgenerator matrixgeneratordc generatorac generatorregeneratorwaveform distortionaerogeneratordata generatorwind generatorclock generatorpulse generatorturbogeneratorbubble generatordiesel generatornumber generatorsignal generatorwave formwaveformturbine generatorpattern generatorsequence generatorcurrent generatorsystem generationelectric generatorfunction generatorcharacter generatorinduction generatorbaby-boom generationelectrical generator
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